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SEO & other secrets: How to boost your online visibility

SEO & other secrets: How to boost your online visibility
SEO & other secrets: How to boost your online visibility

This is branded content.

In the digital age, online visibility has become one of the core pillars of success for many businesses.

The ability to draw in new customers, the chance to promote your brand on a large scale, the chance to plan for future growth online; your online visibility dictates a lot of what your business will be capable of within the digital landscape.

With this in mind, it's no wonder that the role of the SEO company has become so vital in modern business.

Businesses require exposure to survive and being able to court lasting exposure online as part of your marketing budget is a logical step.

With that said, working with an SEO agency may be a fantastic idea for long-term growth, but that doesn't mean there aren't things you can do on your own to improve your online visibility.

Today, we're going to go through some quick tips and easy wins to ensure that your business is front and centre when it comes to your audience.

Take care of your SEO

For anyone looking to increase their visibility online, understanding SEO is an essential part of that process.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the process of making your website desirable to various search engines, though it's often primarily used to discuss Google optimisation.

Understanding SEO strategy and planning will provide you with the tools you need to take control of your online presence, whilst also allowing you to be more targeted in your approach to marketing yourself.

If you don't have the time or digital literacy to take on tasks like keyword research and on-page optimisation yourself, then working with an experienced SEO company or digital marketing agency can make this process much easier.

Plus, if you go with an agency with a strong content marketing team, they can help you with other things too, such as...

Keep your website up to speed

Although at one time in history having a website would be enough in and of itself, times change and expectations shift as audiences are exposed to a steady increase in quality web development.

This, coupled with changes in search engine algorithms emphasising site usability as a ranking factor, means that anyone who isn't regularly updating and improving their website isn't likely to receive much in the way of visibility.

What this means is that, at every step of the process, your visibility is impacted by your willingness to update your site.

With that said, these don't have to be drastic overhauls of your site. Simply ensuring that your content is kept up to date and relevant, with on-site blog posts about topics within your field is an excellent first step in creating more value in the eyes of your potential customers, and in turn, search engines. Speaking of blogs...

Blogging is your friend

In the world of online visibility, links from other websites are always going to be an enormous factor. However, if your site is just a handful of products connected by a homepage, there aren't going to be a lot of reasons for people to link you as a resource.

This is one of the many reasons why on-site blogging is an invaluable tool for those looking to improve their site traffic and visibility.

By blogging authoritatively about topics within your field, you drastically increase the number of ways that people can stumble onto your site.

You also offer a few different means for other businesses or writers to link to you, allowing your brand to spread far further and wider than it would otherwise be possible.

That said, your primary goal should always be to provide value to the reader, as this will ensure that your content is at least worth linking to, rather than simply existing as an obligatory marketing tool.

Use social media strategically

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses as it allows them to build a strong presence whilst connecting directly with their customers and audience.

So, if you want to improve your presence online, then not using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc is a missed opportunity.

With that being said, it's important to keep in mind that not all social media will be beneficial to all fields of business.

If you offer an industrial cleaning service, then a very visual-focused platform like Instagram or VSCO isn't likely to provide you with many benefits as it's a format less suited to your industry, and in turn, your audience. Do your research, understand your audience, and find ways to promote your business directly to that audience in a way that works to the strengths of your chosen platforms; your visibility will thank you.


Getting noticed online can be a complicated process when you're starting from scratch. However, being able to promote your business online is inevitably going to provide value in a variety of ways, and so ensuring that your SEO and web knowledge is up-to-date is a great idea for anyone within the digital space.