The Courier

Jet-set ready: Your pre-travel checklist

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Picture by Shutterstock

Brought to you by Emmanuel Davis.

Travelling is an exciting adventure, a chance to explore new places, meet new people and create unforgettable memories.

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first journey, having a pre-travel checklist ensures a smoother experience.

Here are five things to remember before starting your next adventure.

1. Pack smart

Packing can be both an art and a science. The key is to pack smartly. Choose sturdy yet lightweight luggage, and consider the type of trip you're taking.

A rolling suitcase is perfect for city travel, while a backpack might be better for a more rugged adventure. Organise your belongings using packing cubes, and remember to leave a little extra space for souvenirs.

When it comes to bags, think practical and stylish. A daypack is essential for carrying daily essentials like water bottles, snacks and cameras. If you're travelling with tech gadgets, ensure you have a secure and padded bag to protect them.

Organisational tools

Use packing cubes to organise and compress your clothes. Small zip pouches are great for keeping track of electronics and toiletries.

Versatile clothing

Pack versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched. Focus on lightweight, easy-to-clean fabrics. Layering pieces are ideal for adapting to changing weather.

Essential gadgets

Bring only essential gadgets like your phone, charger and a power bank. Store electronics securely, and remember to pack travel adapters.

Toiletries and personal items

Stick to travel-sized toiletries, keeping in mind airline liquid restrictions. Include essentials like sunscreen and medications.

Comfortable footwear

Choose both comfortable and versatile footwear - casual shoes for day activities, dressier options for evenings and specialty footwear if needed.

2. Check your travel documents

There's nothing worse than reaching the airport and realising you've forgotten your passport.

Check and double-check all your travel documents a few days before your trip. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond travel dates.

Keep your ID, visa (if required), travel insurance and flight tickets in an easily accessible but secure part of your bag.

It's also a good idea to securely store digital copies of these documents on your phone or in a cloud service. This way, you're prepared even if the physical copies are lost or stolen.

3. Research your destination

Embarking on a journey to a new destination is like stepping into a new world. To make the most of your travels, it's crucial to do thorough research.

Understanding your destination's nuances enriches your experience and helps you travel more confidently.

Local culture and customs

Every place has its unique customs and traditions, and being aware of these can greatly enhance your travel experience.

Read about the local etiquette, especially regarding dress codes, greetings and dining manners. Respecting local customs shows your appreciation for the culture and helps build a positive rapport with the locals.


While English is widely spoken in many parts of the world, learning the basics of the local language of your destination can be incredibly rewarding.

Even a few phrases can break the ice and pave the way for richer interactions with locals. It shows respect for the culture and can often lead to more authentic experiences.

Culinary delights

One of the joys of travelling is the opportunity to try new foods and flavours. Look into the local cuisine and note any must-try dishes.

If you have dietary restrictions, learn how to express them in the local language. Also, research the best places to eat, from high-end restaurants to street food stalls, to ensure a comprehensive culinary experience.

Historical and cultural sites

Learn about the historical and cultural significance of the places you plan to visit. Understanding the history and context adds depth to your visit, whether it's a museum, a historical monument, or a natural wonder.

Check opening times and ticket prices for major attractions to plan your itinerary effectively.

Additionally, research local transportation options, currency exchange rates and whether drinking tap water is safe. Research can save you time and hassle once you're there.

4. Plan for health

Your health is paramount. You may need certain vaccinations or medications depending on your destination, so check what is needed well in advance. Pack a small first aid kit with essentials like pain relievers, band-aids and personal medications.

5. Embrace flexibility and open-mindedness

Travel is unpredictable. Flights get delayed, weather changes occur and plans may sometimes go differently than expected.

Embrace these changes with a positive attitude. Being flexible and open-minded can lead to some of the most memorable and authentic travel experiences. Sometimes, the best moments happen when you stray off the beaten path.

Keep an open mind about trying new foods, engaging with different cultures and experiencing things outside your comfort zone. These experiences enrich your journey and create stories you'll cherish forever.

Get exploring

Travelling is about discovering new horizons, both externally and within ourselves. With these tips in mind, you're on your way to being jet-set-ready.

Safe travels and happy exploring.